Very Special Message | All Resistance Will Melt Away | Abraham Hicks 2024

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Finding balance and positive vibration is key to manifesting desires, including body transformation, without resistance.


  • ✨ Balance Matters: Focus on being in balance with yourself rather than trying to make everything fair.
  • 💖 Happiness is Essential: Consistent happiness is crucial for thriving and manifesting desires.
  • 🔄 Receptive Mode: Stay in a receptive mode to allow your desires to manifest easily.
  • 🎯 Focus on Positives: Shift attention to subjects that feel good to maintain a high vibration.
  • 🌊 Let Go of Resistance: Release resistance to allow your natural frequency to rise, like a cork bobbing on water.
  • 🌈 Emotions as Indicators: Your emotions reflect your vibrational state; feeling good is key to manifesting.
  • 💡 Alignment Over Appearance: Prioritize vibrational alignment with Source energy over physical appearance.

Key Insights

  • 🌀 Emotional Guidance System: Understanding and utilizing your emotional guidance system helps you navigate desires effectively. Your emotions are powerful tools indicating your vibrational state, and aligning with positive feelings attracts better outcomes.
  • 🌟 Manifestation Process: The manifestation process involves understanding that what you focus on grows. By focusing on what already brings you joy, you can align with your desires without the burden of negative thoughts.
  • 🎈 Vibrational Alignment: Achieving vibrational alignment with your inner being is essential. This alignment allows for clarity and the flow of Source energy, which in turn enhances your manifesting abilities.
  • 🔍 Avoiding Negative Feedback Loops: Focusing on one negative aspect can derail your progress. Shift your attention to positive areas to maintain momentum in your manifesting journey.
  • 🌌 Perspective of Source: Embrace the perspective of Source, which is rooted in love and appreciation. This perspective empowers you and aligns you with your true desires, steering clear of self-criticism.
  • 🔑 Self-Discovery Journey: The journey to manifesting your desires is about self-discovery and learning to navigate your thoughts and emotions, ultimately leading to empowerment and upliftment.
  • 💬 Communication and Clarity: Open communication with yourself about your desires fosters clarity and reduces resistance. This clarity paves the way for easier manifestation of your goals.

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