
The SHOCKING Truth About Your “How”

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Life continuously expands, requiring you to adjust and align with your desires to feel good; blame and resistance hinder this process.

🌱 Continuous Expansion: Life is always evolving, prompting personal growth.
⚡ Alignment is Key: Staying in tune with your desires leads to feeling energized.
🛑 Blame Avoidance: It’s easy to blame others for your feelings; instead, focus on your alignment.
💖 Desire to Feel Good: The fundamental desire is to feel good, which comes from self-alignment.
🌌 Vibrational Universe: We live in a vibrational reality where your emotions reflect your alignment.
🚀 Rockets of Desire: Launching desires leads to manifesting what you want.
🔄 Path of Least Resistance: Your inner being knows the way to your desires, but you must allow it.
Key Insights

🌻 Emotional Guidance: Your emotions signal how aligned you are with your true self, guiding you toward well-being.

Emotions act as indicators of your vibrational state, helping you understand your alignment with desires.

🌊 Vortex of Creation: All your desires are gathered in a vibrational Vortex, waiting for you to align with them.

This Vortex is a powerful space where your intentions and desires are ready to manifest if you can connect with them.

✨ Self-Responsibility: The resistance you feel is self-created; it’s essential to recognize this to move forward.

By understanding that your resistance stems from your perceptions, you can begin to shift your focus to what you desire instead.

⚖️ Balance of Desire and Reality: You must feel your desires as if they are already realized, not just focus on what’s currently manifesting.

Focusing on the feeling of having what you want is critical for attracting those realities into your life.

🔍 Focus on Positivity: To align with your desires, prioritize thoughts that make you feel good, regardless of current circumstances.

When you deliberately choose thoughts that uplift you, you naturally raise your vibration and align with your desires.

🌟 Trust in Timing: Understand that the path to your desires may require patience, and trust that you will reach your goals.

Recognizing that everything is always working out for you can help ease frustrations and allow for smoother progress.

🌈 Co-creation with Source: You are never alone in your journey; your inner being and universal energy support your desires.

This connection reminds you that you have the power to create your reality through your thoughts and feelings.

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