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Go with the Flow, Let Go of the Need to Control | Abraham Hicks 2024

Go with the Flow, Let Go of the Need to Control | Abraham Hicks 2024
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Learn to enjoy the journey of manifesting desires by tuning into the subtleties of vibrations and savoring every evolutionary step toward your goals.


  • Enjoy the journey of creating desires 🌟
  • Train yourself to feel and listen for subtleties 🎶
  • Find pleasure in the evolutionary process of desires unfolding 🌈
  • Savor the delicious vibrational journey of life 🍨
  • Focus on the vibrational reality of what is coming, not what is manifested 🌌
  • Stand in readiness to receive manifestations by tuning into the subtleties of vibrations 🎧
  • Appreciate the subtleties to enjoy the journey longer 🍭

Key Insights

Appreciating the subtleties for longer enjoyment: By appreciating the subtleties of life

Understanding the joy of the journey: By learning to appreciate the subtleties of vibrations and manifestations, you can find joy in creating desires rather than solely focusing on the result. 🌟

Tuning into vibrations: Training yourself to feel and listen for the subtleties of vibrations allows you to stay aligned with your desires and recognize the signs of their unfolding. 🎶

Pleasure in the evolutionary process: Finding pleasure in every step of the evolution of your desires helps you savor the journey and prolong the enjoyment of manifesting your goals. 🌈

Savoring the vibrational journey: Just like savoring a delicious treat, learning to savor the vibrational journey of life can bring long-lasting satisfaction and fulfillment. 🍨

Focus on what is coming: Shifting your focus from what is manifested to the vibrational reality of what is coming allows you to align with your desires and stand in readiness to receive them. 🌌

Readiness to receive manifestations: Standing in readiness to receive manifestations by tuning into the subtleties of vibrations enables you to be in alignment with your desires and attract them effortlessly. 🎧

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