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Abraham Hicks 2024 -No Ads- How to Be Lucky

Abraham Hicks 2024 -No Ads- How to Be Lucky,
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Embrace the power of feeling good to achieve success effortlessly and joyfully by calibrating yourself to vibrations that align with your inner being.


  • Embrace feeling good as your primary goal to achieve success effortlessly and joyfully.
  • Keep your dreams alive within yourself before sharing them with others to prevent doubt and resistance.
  • Focus on isolating good-feeling thoughts to calibrate yourself to vibrations that align with your inner being.
  • Be selfish in wanting to feel good, as it leads to calibrating to resistance-free vibrations and source thoughts.
  • Prioritize feeling good over accomplishment, as it is the most natural and powerful way to attract success.
  • Be nice to yourself by doing things that bring you joy, as it benefits you and the entire universe.
  • Own the room vibrationally by practicing feeling good consistently, and attracting others to join your positive energy.

Key Insights

  • Embracing feeling good as the primary goal allows for effortless success as it aligns you with your inner being’s vibration, attracting what you desire.
  • Keeping dreams alive within yourself before sharing them prevents doubt and resistance, allowing for the momentum of manifestation to flow easily.
  • Isolating good feeling thoughts and calibrating to vibrations that align with your inner being leads to powerful manifestations and a sense of fulfillment.
  • Prioritizing feeling good over accomplishment shifts the focus to joy and aligns you with the natural flow of abundance and success.
  • Being selfish in wanting to feel good is essential, as it leads to calibrating to source thoughts and resistance-free vibrations, allowing for effortless manifestation.
  • Practicing self-care and doing things that bring joy benefits not only yourself but the entire universe, as your positive energy radiates outwards.
  • Consistently practicing feeling good attracts others to join your positive energy, creating a harmonious environment of abundance and joy.
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