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Abraham Hicks 2024 _No Ads_ Just Go with the Flow and Watch

Abraham Hicks 2024 _No Ads_ Just Go with the Flow - Everything will work itself out, in2vortex
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Abraham Hicks explains that our thoughts and perceptions shape our reality, and it is important to align with our inner being for guidance and clarity. The focus should be on our own power and desires, rather than trying to control others or seeking validation from them.


  • 🤔 Every thought we think becomes a vibration and affects our reality.
  • 🌟 Our perception of others and situations matters more than the actual reality.
  • 💔 Holding onto past expectations can prevent us from embracing new experiences.
  • 🧠 We must align with our inner being to find guidance and clarity.
  • 👀 The reality we focus on determines our point of attraction.
  • 💪 Taking control of our own thoughts and emotions is necessary for personal growth.
  • 🌈 The laws of the universe are consistent, and we can align with them to create our desired reality.


  • 🔑 Our thoughts and vibrations shape our reality: Abraham Hicks emphasizes the power of our thoughts and vibrations in creating our reality. Every thought we think becomes a vibration that attracts similar experiences. By choosing positive thoughts and vibrations, we can manifest our desired reality.
  • 🔑 Perception is key: Hicks highlights the importance of our perception of others and situations. It is not the actual reality that affects us, but rather how we perceive and interpret it. By shifting our perception, we can change our experience and find peace.
  • 🔑 Embrace change and let go of expectations: Holding onto past expectations and attachments can hinder our growth and prevent us from embracing new experiences. It is important to let go of rigid expectations and focus on the present moment to create a fulfilling future.
  • 🔑 Align with your inner being for guidance: Our inner being holds the wisdom and guidance we need to navigate through life. By aligning with our inner being, we can tap into our intuition and make decisions that align with our true desires and highest good.
  • 🔑 Focus on your power and desires: Hicks reminds us that we have the power to shape our reality and that seeking validation or control over others is futile. Instead, we should focus on our power, desires, and inner guidance to create a fulfilling and joyful life.
  • 🔑 The importance of emotional well-being: Our emotions are indicators of our alignment with our inner being. When we feel good, we are in alignment and attracting positive experiences. It is crucial to prioritize our emotional well-being and choose thoughts and actions that bring us joy and peace.
  • 🔑 Consistency and practice are key: Aligning with our inner being and manifesting our desires requires consistent practice. It is important to maintain a positive mindset, release resistance, and take inspired action towards our goals. With dedication and practice, we can create the reality we truly desire.

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