Esther Hicks is an internationally known speaker who shares her message of pure love, inspiration, and the law of attraction through her dialogue with a group of spiritual guides who call themselves Abraham. Abraham Hicks is considered to be the original source material for the powerful Law Of Attraction. They are our favorite teachers on the subject and we highly recommend their life-changing books. Here are 35 of the most powerful Abraham Hicks quotes.

“…that which you believe has everything to do with what you allow in your experience. If you have been convinced that something is not curable – that it is ‘fatal’ – and then you are told that you have it, usually your belief will be that you will not survive…and you will not.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“…your survival has nothing to do with the disease and everything to do with your thoughts. And so, if you say to yourself: That may be true for others, but it is not so for me, for I am the creator of my experience, and I choose recovery, not death, at this time…you can recover.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“At the core of that which you are in wellness and Well-Being, and if you are experiencing anything less than that, there is resistance present within your vibration.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“But what about the sick child who has just been born? Do not assume because a child is not yet speaking that the child is not thinking or offering vibration. There are tremendous influences to wellness and sickness that occur even when the child is still in the womb or is newly born.” Esther Hicks Quotes

“Even in situations where a lot of pain is being experienced, there are times of greater and lesser discomfort. Choose the best-feeling times from the range you are experiencing to find positive aspects and to choose better-feeling thoughts. And as you continue to reach for thoughts that bring greater emotional relief, that positive learning will eventually bring you back to Well-Being – every time, no exceptions.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Every dis-ease is caused by vibrational discord or resistance, without exception, and since most people were unaware of their discordant thoughts prior to the illness (usually making little effort to practice good-feeling thoughts), once the illness occurs it is very difficult to then find pure, positive thoughts.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“If you are focused upon things that are bothering you, the cells of your body are hindered in their natural balancing process – and once an illness has been diagnosed and you then turn your attention to that illness, the hindering is greater still.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“If you have a strong desire for recovery, and the doctors are giving you no hope, it is logical that you would turn to alternative approaches where hope is not only allowed but encouraged, for there is much evidence to show that people can recover from supposedly ‘incurable’ diseases.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Illness is about resistance, not about age.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“It is a wonderful thing to see the results of your thoughts out in the open in an obvious fashion, and just as your wound or sickness is evidence of misalignment, your healing or wellness is evidence of alignment.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“It is not natural for you to be sick, and it is not natural for you to harbor negative emotion – for, at your core, you are like your Inner Being: You are well; and you feel very, very good.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“It is your resistance that causes an illness in the first place, and it is your resistance to illness that holds it to you once it is there.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Many people have come to feel vulnerable about the unseen parts of their bodies, and that feeling of vulnerability is a very strong catalyst in the perpetuation of illness.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“No matter what the disease is, and no matter how much it has progressed, the question is: Can you direct your thoughts positively regardless of the condition?” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Older people often do experience more illness and less vitality. But the reason for the decline of people, as they get older, is not because their physical bodies are programmed to break down over time, but because the longer they live, the more they find to fuss and worry about, causing resistance to their natural Stream of Well-Being.”Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Pain is only a more emphatic indicator of resistance. First, there is a negative emotion, then more negative emotion, then more negative emotion (you have tremendous leeway here), then sensation, then pain.” Esther Hicks Quotes

“Practiced alignment – brought about by consistently good-feeling thoughts – is the path to being pain-free.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Preventive wellness is far easier to accomplish than corrective wellness, but, in either case, improved feeling thoughts – thoughts of greater and greater relief – are the key.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Since the cells of your body know what to do to come into balance if you can find a way of focusing your attention upon good-feeling thoughts, you will stop your negative interference, and your recovery will come.” Esther Hicks Quotes

“Sometimes being sick provides an escape from something else that you do not want to do, and so, in your environment, there is much allowing of sickness for the sake of not having to do something else. But when you begin playing that sort of game with self, you are opening the door to greater and greater and greater sickness.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“There is not a physical apparatus, no matter what the state of deterioration, that cannot achieve perfect health.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“When medicine and science stop looking for cures and begin to look for vibrational causes or imbalances, they will see a much higher rate of recovery.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“You live in very busy times, and you find many things to fuss and worry about: and in doing so, you hold yourself out of alignment – and disease is the result. And then you focus on the disease and perpetuate more disease. But you can break the cycle at any time. You do not have to wait for your society to understand in order to achieve wonderful physical wellness yourself.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Your body is made up of intelligent cells that are always bringing themselves into balance, and the better you feel, the less you are vibrationally interfering with the cellular rebalancing.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Your natural state is one of wellness, one of absolute health, one of the perfect bodily conditions – and if you are experiencing anything other than that, it is only because the balance of thought within you is toward the lack of what you want instead of what you do want.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Your natural state is one of wellness.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Your physical well-being, like everything else, is profoundly affected by the beliefs that you hold.” Esther Hicks Quotes

“Your tendency toward wellness is much stronger than your tendency for illness, and that is the reason that even with some negative thinking, most of you do remain mostly well.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

Good-feeling thoughts produce and sustain physical well-being.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

No matter what the disease is, and no matter how much it has progressed, the question is, Can you direct your thoughts positively regardless of the condition” Abraham Hicks Quotes

There is no condition from which you cannot recover, but it is much easier if you catch it in the early, subtle states.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Your body is made up of intelligent cells that are always bringing themselves into balance, and the better you feel, the less you are vibrationally interfering with the cellular rebalancing.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“If you have a strong desire for recovery, and the doctors are giving you no hope, it is logical that you would turn to alternative approaches where hope is not only allowed but encouraged, for there is much evidence to show that people can recover from supposedly ‘incurable’ diseases.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

“Let your medical community assist you in your recovery, but do not ask them to do the impossible – do not ask them to give you a cure to compensate for your misalignment of Energy.” Abraham Hicks Quotes

One who never experiences negativity will not be sick.” Esther Hicks Quotes