Abraham Hicks 2024- No Ads- Your Emotions Are Trying to Tell You Something

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 Abraham Hicks encourages viewers to understand and align with their emotions instead of fearing or disliking them. They emphasize the importance of focusing on desires without comparison and maintaining vibrational alignment with goals.

 Abraham Hicks shares an anecdote about the importance of keeping ideas to oneself until fully developed to avoid external influence. The overall message is to embrace emotions and vibrational alignment for personal growth and success. The speakers also emphasize the importance of focusing on joy and aligning oneself with the infinite resources of the universe, rather than competing over finite resources and creating resistance.

They encourage spending time focusing on joy and vibrational alignment, even in the absence of current joyful feelings. Lastly, the speakers discuss the importance of taking control of one’s emotions instead of waiting for external circumstances to improve feelings and encourage focusing on feeling good to attract better experiences.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video Abraham Hicks emphasizes the importance of understanding and aligning with one’s emotions rather than being afraid or disliking them. They encourage viewers to focus on their desires without comparing themselves to others and to maintain vibrational alignment with their goals. The speakers also share an anecdote about Jerry, who wrote a paper encouraging people to keep their ideas to themselves until they are fully developed to avoid being influenced by others and disrupting their focus on their goals. The overall message is to embrace one’s emotions and vibrational alignment to achieve personal growth and success.
  • 00:05:00 Abraham Hicks talks about the importance of focusing on joy and aligning oneself with the infinite resources of the universe. According to the speaker, when individuals believe that resources are finite and compete over them, they create resistance and make achieving their desires difficult. However, when one focuses on joy and lines up with their source energy, they expand the universe and fulfill their reason for being. The speaker encourages listeners to spend time focusing on their own joy and vibrational alignment, even if they are not currently feeling joyful. The ultimate goal is to live a life filled with joy, and any progress towards that emotion is worth celebrating. The speaker references the example of a young child, who naturally focuses on joy and notices the world around them with delight, as a reminder of the purpose of life.
  • 00:10:00 Abraham Hicks discusses the importance of taking control of one’s emotions instead of waiting for external circumstances to improve feelings. Using an example of Esther and Jerry’s experience with issues with their motor coach, they explain how getting stuck in frustration and resentment will not bring about a solution. Instead, the speakers encourage focusing on feeling good, regardless of the outcome, to attract better experiences. They also emphasize that personal care and concern from others may be limited, and it’s essential to find motivation from within to maintain a positive emotional state.

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